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NYSTCE Flashcards





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NYSTCE Flashcards(圖1)-速報App

NYSTCE Flashcards

The New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE) began development in 1991[1] and was implemented in 1993[2] as an assessment for teaching certification candidates. Unlike the generic teaching certification praxis examinations used by most states, the NYSTCE assessment suite was designed as a custom examination to meet the needs and specifications of the state of New York. The development of the examinations included defining the skills to be measured based on New York State legislation, regulations, and curricula; conducting a job analysis survey of experienced educators across several fields to identify the skills and competencies most crucial for a new teacher; developing custom assessment materials; and conducting extensive item analysis and validation, including by a Bias Review Committee which identified potential bias issues in the assessment materials

NYSTCE Flashcards(圖2)-速報App

NYSTCE Flashcards(圖3)-速報App

NYSTCE Flashcards(圖4)-速報App